

This article is not intended to invite you to smoke cigarettes tatapi is your right to pecaya atu that nicotine and other substances that come from nature and are the first in cigarettes have utility nya..seperti GOD Almighty that we know will not create a whole thing without benefits.
You would be surprised when reading the title of this article bukan.sama his thing like me when you first read the article benefits of cigarettes from the source, forces the evidence terapheutic effectsof smoking.  http://www.forces.org/evidence/evid/screenshoot 
We know that M any negative information circulating about cigarettes and smoking habits in stuffed us since time immemorial big kala.sebagian rush to link the impact of cigarette smoke and other substances contained in tobacco smoke on health manusia.informasi proficiency level accepted by the wider community mengeni lay iset kebeneran research as an absolute without debated.
That so the big question is of millions of smokers and passive smokers are exposed why the effect is less than 2% ?
Something dangerous course banned, something forbidden because harm, certainly forbidden by religion except in use as a medicine or to prevent disease.
Lalu.dulu exactly the same as during the highly lethal poison but now can be used for bee venom serum penyembuhan.dulu even very painful taps are now used to cure the disease.
It used cannabis (marijuana) is prohibited but sekaang in use into a cure for cancer, as well as other toxic plants after in depth thorough even be a panacea.
The much forgotten by lay people is, first of all it is a natural region contribute NATURAL alias not KIMIA.tapi is happening now is more people trust the results of the chemical   compared to the natural one.
Both the toxins that enter our bodies will make stimultan immunization in the human body, its meaning if the body was given poison the human immunization has increased because melangkukan resistance then the man could be immune.
Simple things that we can see directly what happens in our environment, consider the children who loved and often played ujan was a child it was much more resistant or immune to penyakt flu and did not get sick, compared with a spoiled child who never played the rain thera during hidupnya.tapi that's the reality.
Information menganai adverse effects of smoking is accepted by many people who lay as absolute truth, but not so with scientists, they conducted research into cigarettes and smoked dngen basic benefit is there to dig NETRAL.mereka substances contained in cigarettes to   human health ...?
Here are some of the research reveals the benefits of smoking to human health
Much evidence suggests that smoking against parakinson disease, a new study adds to a strong previous evidence that smoking may protect people from diseases parakinson.
The research is conducted in a specially shows the temporal relationship between smoking and a reduced risk of a protective effect against parakinson parakinson.artinya reduced after mebghentikan smoker smoking habit.
source; smoking lowers risk parakinson's disease http://www.data-yard.net/10v2/.parakinson.htm
Another study is a study of 113 male twins .tim the pair of researchers led by Dr. Tanner Teru see a significant difference in the dose kitika count to 10-20 years before diagnosis.mereka deny the  statement that smoking is likely to have prakinson disease.
Source smoking and parakinson's disease in twins http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11865136

Another major study showing its mamnfaat of rokok.yaitu benefits   to restenosis, or narrowing of the arteries that lead to restricted blood flow to the heart such as blood vessels (cardiovascular disease) or brain (stroke) .perokok have a better chance of survival and healing faster.
Sources impact of smoking on clinical and angiographic restenosis coronary interventionhttp://www.data-yard.net/34/circulation_2001_104_773.htm
Another study says carbon monoxide can reduce heart attacks and stroke.karbon monoxide is a byproduct of smoke tembakau.sebuah report showed very low levels of carbon mnoksida can help lorban heart attack and stroke.
Carbon monoxide mrenghambat freezing darah.sehingga dissolve dangerous clots in the arteries .The researchers focused on the close similarity between the carbon monoxide with nitric oxide that keep blood vessels dilated and prevent the accumulation of white blood cells.
Recently, nitric oxide has improved its status from ordinary air pollutants become the second most important physiological link in internal.oleh because it is not surprising paradox Kalao carbon monoxide can save the lungs from injury caused by a blockage of blood vessels to the heart.
The source of the carbon monoxide paradox   hhtp: //www.data-yard.net/10b/cm.htm  
 Nicotine reduces the circular muscle activity mainly through pelepasam nitric oxide, in the case ofulcerative colitis (UC) or inflammation of usus.temuan this may explain some therapeutic benefits of nicotine (and smoke) to UC and can explain the dysfunction mengai colonic propulsion in active disease.
Source; nitric oxide mediates a therapeutic effect of nicotine in ulcerative colitis http://www.data-yard.net 
Down syndrome is caused adanye peyakit abnormality on chromosome 21 in the bands Q22 SLC5A3 gene, yng can be known by looking at the clinical manifestation pretty khas.kelainan which affects the physical and mental growth retardation of children, this is the first time in temkan in 1866 by Dr. jhon Longdon down.
A study on the effect of stimulation   of nicotine agonist with 5 mg implant jatingan better skin even when compared to placebo (control drug)   on cognitive performance in 5 adults with disorders kognitif.perbaikan performance may be related to attention and information processing in patients with Down syndrome terliht compared with other health controls.
Sources    effect of transdermal nicotine on cognitive performance in Down's syndrome www.data-yard.net/13/tlj.htm   
The first mention of tobacco is the root of all the problems of the teeth and mulut.pdahal a study has shown that smokers actually lower risk to gum disease such as shrinkage or extending tooth gingival recession.
Source   smoking does not increase of risk of receding gums     www.data-yard.net/100/gums.htm
A study of two generations of residents of Sweden demonstrated in the analysis of multi-variation, some children of mothers who smoked at least 15 cigarettes per day tended to have a lower chance of developing allergies rino conjungtivis (allergy on the membrane of the eye), allergic asthma, atopic eczema and food allergies the appeal tdak children of mothers who smoke.
A cross-sectional study of smoking habits and former smokers in relation to atopic disorders of the data 6909 young adults and middle-aged (16-49 years) and 4472 children (3-15 years) from the Swedish survey of living condition in 1996- 1997.
The results of the prevalence of asthma and allergies cojunctivis aergii dozen-response decrease, respectively p = 0.03 and p = 0.004 with increased exposure to smoke   cigarettes in the adult population research
Children from smoking fathers have the same tendency.
Source   does tobacco smoke Prevent Atopic at sorders / a study of two generation of Swedish resident   www.data-yard.net/30/asthma.htm
KILL GERMS 7.NIKOTIN tuberculosis (TB)
Someday nicotine may be a surprising alternative as tuberculosis or TB drugs that hard-treated, says a researcher from the University of Central Florida (UCF).
This compound stops the growth of   TB germs in a test labolaratorium, even even when used in small quantities only, naser saleh said microbiology professor of molecular biology at UCF.kebanyakan dsn scientists agreed that the nicotine adalh substance causes people to become addicted to smoking.
Source   shocker villain TB nicotine slays   www.data-yard.net/10c/nicotine.htm

Research research not published widely oernah ... .You must have thought that the research was funded by the company rokok.tapi contrary this research was never published widely if it is aimed at promoting a cigarette is definitely worth his research is booming adverse effects of smoking kan.
Actually, anything that has two sides which berbeda.dan propaganda about cigarettes is what needs the suspect as an effort to boost sales of chemical pharma drug sales.

see the benefits of soursop fruit for the treatment of
1001 the benefits of bananas to be in the know 
see the fruit also can meyembuhkan many diseases

This article aims bukn invite you to smoke but this is only a new science that required people to know

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