

Haloo friend nurse student works before we get into the discussion of how to deal with hypothermia at the time on the mountain, .sebelumya already know what it is hypothermia ..? how the characteristic features of hypothermia ..? way prevents hypothermia when the mountain ..? and how to cope with hypothermia ..? do not let you or your friends are men climb mountains died ngak know anything about hiptermia and one gives aid and cause death.
Well the first one we went into hypothermia definition first:

Hypothermia is a condition in which the body is unable SASL mechanism normal body temperature and could not cope with the cold temperatures outside.
Hypothermia occurs when the core body temperature falls below normal temperatures degan .and this could easily happen to all the people affected by the cold wind or in wet conditions it hangs too lama.dan often teradi on pedaki mountain, monkey mountain temperatures much colder than in low places
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symptoms of Hypothermia
·          Hypothermia usually begins with the usual cold, shivering, trembling and sometimes clashing teeth.
·          If in a state of wet clothes either due to rain or other would be at risk of hypothermia is great.
·          Hypothermia attack by land perlaha difficult in detection by potential victims of hypothermia
·          Hypothermia attacks the nerves and move slowly began drai victim could not withstand the cold and heat marasa even in the middle of the air SUPEER recognizes not amidst the optimism chilling cold that he had already terserag hypothermia.
·          Hypothermia causes the victim unconscious and hallucinations that endanger the safety of the climber.

Some of prevention that can be done to prevent hypothermia:
·          Climb at noon or when the sun began to heat
·          Use a standard tool climbers ranging from jackets to shoes and make sure you climb according to the procedure because it is in need to keslematan.
·          Try not to climb in wet conditions, and make sure at the time reached the top of the locker wearing wet with perspiration that is not attacked by hypothermia.
·          Keep the stomach remained unfilled for energy
·          Avoid wearing jean jean to medaki because baha dry hard and heavy.
·          Be sure to sleep in the warm.

How to Overcome the Current Hypothermia On Mt.
There are two conditions of hypothermia victims are victims of hypothermia in the hypothermia victim Keadaa conscious and unconscious.

Victims of hypothermia in a conscious state
·          Put the victim into the tent so that is not exposed to cold winds da keep the temperature warm.
·          If the victim's clothing wet the dressing amidst the optimism with warm clothes and a blanket victim.
·          Give warm drinks amidst the optimism that can help assist the body returns to normal body
·          Cation of high-calorie foods for the victims for hypothermia victims who require very high energy.
how to cope with hypothermia
·          Hangatka the victim's body to hold her or to sit a meeting of all to the victims and create a warm fire point ungun fire inside the tent. vital records do not panic when there is a friend or yourself Yag hypothermia or other accidents.

Hypothermia victim is unconscious
·          Take the person into the tent to keep the victim warm
·          Change of clothes in case the victim if the victim with a blanket basah.dan victim warm cloth
·          Put the victim into a sleeping bag to keep the victim's body temperature
·          Hold the victim to heat mebagi on victim
·          Sadarka victims by placing scented or by tapping the victim's cheek
·          And if the victim is unconscious then signed amidst the optimism of hypothermia in a conscious state seertii above.
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